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Information Packet for Local BusinessesDear Local Business Owner:Thank you for your interest in the Humboldt Exchange! The Humboldt Exchange is Humboldt County’s Community Currency Project. This packet of information will provide you with much of the information you will need to participate in the project and begin accepting Community Currency at your business. We hope that you find this information useful. We want your experience with Community Currency to be positive and rewarding - both financially and otherwise. Once you have had a chance to review these materials please contact us to set up a meeting to further discuss your participation in the Humboldt Exchange Project. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and to do whatever we can to help get you started. We also welcome your feedback on this project and the materials enclosed. What is Community Currency How Humboldt Community Currency Works Person to person exchanges are suggested at a rate of half Community Currency and half and US dollars, however there are several items and services listed in the Humboldt Exchange directory that are available for all Community Currency. We encourage the concept of a Minimum Living Wage of $10/hour, so we ask all participants to charge a minimum of $10 (half U.S. dollars and half Community Currency) for an hour of their services. In practice, each exchange is negotiated between individuals. As a participating business you will decide for yourself how many Community Currency bills your business will accept per purchase, and you may change your policy as you go along. As Community Currency is only issued to businesses and individuals that also accept the Currency, it is our goal that you will never be flooded with more Currency than you can easily re-spend. Is This Really Legal to Use? Making a Community While Making a Living Additionally, because Humboldt Community Currency bills re-circulate within the community indefinitely, rather than leaving the area after only a few transactions, as U.S. dollars often do, the entire community benefits from them over and over. As more and more businesses and individuals choose to accept Humboldt Community Currency, our local economy will be strengthened, making Humboldt less vulnerable to outside economic dominance and instability. Materials Included in This Packet We look forward to working with you to benefit our community members and help our local economy through this project. Please contact us to discuss your participation further, and thanks again for your interest in the Humboldt Exchange Community Currency Project.
Download the packet as an Adobe PDF document.
PO Box 858 | Eureka CA 95502 | (707) 269-0984 | |
The Humboldt Exchange Community Currency Project is a project of
Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County (DUHC)