Directory: |
April/May 2005 Issue= This person is willing to accept ALL Community Currency as payment for this item or service.
Children's ServicesOfferedExperienced child care for typical and/or special needs kids. Brenna. 825-6906 Flannel baby blankets, 100% cotton. Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 Multiple Subject credentialed teacher for your school. Tony. 668-1820 Occasional childcare. Good references. Could trade for gardening advice/aid. Susan. 826-0515 Sign up for a six week summer workshop and learn theater skills. Carole. 442-1533 or Theater classes, activities, and games. Learn improv, mask making, puppetry. Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. 442-1533 or Tutor for writing. Experienced with all ages and experience levels. Yvonne. 443-3944 WantedChildren of all ages to have fun creating and learning about theater. Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. 442-1533 or TradePlay time for daughter with children around 5 years of age. Tamara. 822-4021 Would like to start a babysitting CO-OP. I am a stay at home mom with a 2 ½ yr old son. We are available many hours during the week (including evenings and all of Sat and Sun). Looking to find at least 1 other child about same age (14 mo. – 4 yrs) to play at our home a few days a week in exchange for coming to my home and watching my son a few hours per week. Hours could vary, but hoping to exchange between 8 – 15 hours per week. Melissa. 442-2209
ClothingOfferedShoes, dark blue pumps. Women’s size 8W, soft leather, essentially new. Sara. 825-0822 Tailoring and/or custom clothes. Brenna. 825-6906 WantedRunning shoes. Size 11ish men’s. Jared. 442-5109 Women’s clothing. Approximately size 5, natural fibers, comfy but cute. Susan. 826-0515
FoodOfferedCHOCOLATE! Nutrient dense, 80-90% organic, sugar free, caffeine free. Jene. 840-9401 Cooking Class: preserving your harvest to increase nutrient density and flavor! 6 month series, May through October, once a month. Jene. 840-9401 Cooking/Nutrition Classes. Individual, Group, Children or Adults. “Native Nutrition” for nutrient dense real (tasty) foods. Jene, CN. 840-9401 Goat Milk, raw or cultured. Jene. 840-9401 Old fashioned Sodas and Beers. Ginger Ale, Ginger Beer, Real Root Beer, Herbal Beers, Health Tonics, Beet Kvass, Lacto-fermented Beverages. Jene. 840-9401 WantedEggs from free range chickens (no antibiotics/hormones). Cassandra. 445-3243 Free range organic non-soy fed duck eggs. Linda. 822-6425 Goat milk and cheese, from happy local goats. Yvonne. 443-3944 Organic grass-fed raw cow’s milk. Linda. 822-6425 Vegan cake recipes. Fred. 445-5853 Wheat grass juicer for collective household. Andy 822-0843 TradeHomemade organic goodies. David. 616-3641
Health, Body and SpiritualityOfferedAyurvedic lifestyle consultation. Greta. 825-6775 Calendula salve. Excellent for rashes and dry spots. Cassandra. 445-3243 Che Gong and meditation. Dafa style, FREE. Bill. 441-6720 Enjoy the Health Enhancing Influence of Massage by Stephanie, C.Ms.T. Sensitive, Strong, Intuitive: Over 10 yrs. Experience. Also offering Quantum Energetics (Q.E.); a natural healing modality that uses your body’s own wisdom, and gentle, focused touch. Q.E. can resolve a wide range of physical, energetic, and emotional ailments, and is also beneficial for those who simply wish to excel in overall good health. Appointments made 7 days/wk. 10:00 am – 7:30 pm, drop-ins welcome. Garberville. Stephanie. 923-4812 Hair cuts. Squiggy. 825-1084 Holistic nutrition consultation. Xandra. 441-0702 KungFu instruction, soft style. Bill. 441-6720 Massage. Gentle and soothing. No outcalls. Mashaw. 442-5118 Nutrition/Cooking classes. Individual, Group, Children or Adults. “Native Nutrition” nutrient dense real (tasty) foods. Jene, CN. 840-9401 Palm oil, about 5 gallons. Excellent for soapmaking. Cassandra. 445-3243 Pilates reformer with videos. Linda. 822-6425 Skin Care Class or Facial. FREE. Try our new Microderm
abrasion Treatment and/or our Classic Skin Care “Miracle Set.”
Get ready for Spring with a new look and get ready for Summer with our
great sun protection products. You can feel great about these products
because Mary Kay never tests on animals! Also, you’ll get one-on-one
attention from me and support our community by participating in the community
currency project! Facials, Makeovers, Skin Care Classes and my personal
attention to you are all free. You can use 1/2 community currency and
1/2 US currency for your product purchases! Jeanie Crossfield, Mary Kay
Independent Consultant. 486-2003 or Soaps. All natural food-based ingredients. Cassandra. 445-3243 SOY - is it really healthful?? Some new research. Free information. Jene, CN. 840-9401 Tarot readings. Over 10 years experience. Tony. 668-1820 Therapeutic massage and energetic bodywork: integrating Swedish/Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Polarity and Reflexology. Professional trades welcome. Ahma. 822-5037 Treat yourself to a massage. Gretchen Schuster, CMT, SMTT. Those hands on the cover of last issue were my hands! Call to schedule an appointment. Enjoy. Gretchen. 445-5853 WantedAnyone with MS or similar disability want to start a support group or just talk? Vic. 444-9098 Bodywork. Massage, Reiki, or something else. Tony. 668-1820 Reike sessions. Sarah. 825-9572 Soap drying rack (pre or custom made). Cassandra. 445-3243 Yoga teacher for private training. David. 616-3641 TradeMassage exchange. David. 616-3641
Home and GardenOfferedDog walking/running. Ahma. 822-5037 8 quart Aeturnum pressure cooker. Linda. 822-6425 Appliance sales, service, rentals and recycling. Bill. 441-6720 Can provide some plants and advice for gardening needs. Nezzie. 445-5883 Consultation and support for building an ecologically responsible home. Paul. 443-4483 Dishes, matching set for 12 with mugs – light blue. Erin. 845-4033 Electric grain mill. Erika. 826-2142 Electrical work. Licensed. Roger. 826-9901 Firewood from sustainably managed forest. Art. 499-3121 Floor sanding, stripping, and finishing advice. I can show you how to use a drum sander on redwood floors and other joys of making your old floors pretty - even if they’re currently covered by linoleum. Kaitlin. 476-8502 Futon cover: new, full-size, cheery print. Sara. 825-0822 Garden and yard work, in Arcata area. Adam. 825-6619 Garden pots. An assortment of sizes. Cassandra. 445-3243 Garden space, excellent exposure in Bayside. Would love to trade for irrigation repair or general garden assistance. Greta. 825-6775 General handyman services. Bill. 441-6720 Goats for hire. Brush clearing goats eat blackberry bushes, ivy, tall grass, and more. Arcata and Sunny Brea area only. Anna. 616-6868 House cleaning with all natural products. Anna. 616-6868 Lawn care. Paul. 822-2556 Maple wall cupboard: 30” wide x 30.5” high x 12” deep, adjustable shelves. Sara. 825-0822 Mini-blinds: assorted sizes, all off-white. Sara. 825-0822 Photo restoration. I’ll revive your favorite old photos. Melanie. 826-9539 Pick up your recycling for $ value. Arcata/Eureka area. Tamara. 822-4021 Pruning fruit trees. Paul. 822-2556 Recycled antique damask linens and towels. Dyed in subtle and beautiful colors. Jene. 840-9401 Solar electric installation. Roger. 826-9901 Some home and garden projects – good consulting and hands on. Nezzie. 445-5883 Tree house building. Custom built tree houses, swings, and tree nets. Anna. 616-6868 Use of my rototiller. Must return same day. David 476-8502 White patio/yard wicker set. Willing to accept trade. David. 616-3461 Yard clearing. Paul. 822-2556 WantedArchitect to look over structural plans. Gretchen. 445-5853 Bamboo starts, and advice on the best varieties (the ones that grow really tall, but don’t become invasive). Paul. 443-4483 Cast iron self-supporting bathtub in decent shape. Paul. 443-4483 Clean soil and compost to start a raised bed garden in Manila, and help thinking through how to actually set it up. Paul. 443-4483 Couch – decent condition, large enough for sleeping. Melanie. 826-9539 Cutting down and/or pruning a few LARGE eucalyptus trees. Paul. 443-4483 Delivery and one day’s use of wood chipper*. Mitch. 677-0762 (*corrected from printed directory). Fence supplies (wood) and/or builder. Kaitlin or David. 476-8502 Fenced area to board two llamas when I’m out of town. Erika. 826-2141 Food dehydrator, with thermostat. Linda. 822-6425 Free plastic plant containers. 1-10 gallon and sprouting size. Adam. 825-6619 Home Buying Partner in Eureka. Buy a home with two cool chicks. Sara and Heather. 445-5853 Hot tub. David. 476-8502 House cleaner. David. 616-3641 I need some studio space. Happy to share bigger space. Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 Install raised beds in my garden, rototill. Prefer to trade. Greta. 825-6775 Looking for help with concrete work. Nezzie. 445-5883 Need good fruit tree and shrub pruner NOW. Nezzie. 445-5883 Old windows for making raised bed mini-greenhouses (no lead paint please!). Paul. 443-4483 Organic manure delivered to Arcata location. Ahma. 822-5037 Organic seeds and starts, and soil for planter boxes. Tamara. 822-4021 Others interested in starting a tool coop. Mitch. 677-0762 Recyclable wood for carpentry projects. Brenna. 825-6906 Repair my vandalized irrigation system. Prefer to trade. Greta. 825-6775 Sheets in good condition to fit massage table, 31”x 73.5” single or twin. Stephanie. 923-4812 Teach me to create and maintain a beautiful garden and landscape in my yard. Susan. 826-0515 Twin loft and dresser built for daughter. Tamara. 822-4021 Twin size futon cover. Sarah. 825-9572 Window installation. We’ll buy the replacement windows but we need someone to install them. Kaitlin or David. 476-8502 Working gas or wood fired hot tub for collective household. Andy. 822-0843 TradeCustom clothing or fabric dyeing. Beautiful colors, nontoxic, colorfast. Jene. 840-9401
Language and TravelWantedBasic conversational Russian for travel. I will be traveling in Siberia in May. Yvonne. 443-3944 Beginner Spanish material. Jared. 442-5109 Beginning Hebrew, Spanish, and American Sign learning materials. Tamara. 822-4021 Native Spanish speaker for conversation to practice and learn Spanish. Nezzie. 445-5883 Spanish language tutor. David. 476-8502 Very advanced level Spanish tutor to help me increase my bilingualism. Susan. 826-0515 TradeGerman tutoring. Erika. 826-2141
Music, Art and CraftOfferedAcoustic guitar. Sarah. 825-9572 Drum Lessons. 14 years experience. Rock/Punk. Adam. 825-6619 Explore open-tunings on guitar. Glenn. 825-9572 House concerts, FREE. For art-making, bodyworking, dreaming, dancing, listening. Glenn. 825-9572 Knitting lessons. Xandra. 441-0702 Music meditations, improvisations. CDs. Glenn. 825-9572 Piano for dummies. Lessons for beginning adults and children who are afraid of music. My place or yours. Craig. 822-9631 Place for you to display and sell your art. Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. 442-1533 or “Roosters, Ravens, and Redwood Trees.” Original kid’s CD. Sarah. 825-9572 Screen printing. One color design on t-shirts or patches. Anna. 616-6868 Social Justice Theater Project: an ongoing working
group to explore and create interactive, invisible, street and performance
theater in our Talented flute player for your band. Tony. 668-1820 WantedArtists who would like a place to display their work in exchange for supporting Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. 442-1533 or Beginning cellist looking for another beginning musician to practice with. Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 Capable violinist to collaborate with pianist. Susan. 826-0515 Dance/Music/Theatre space in Arcata. Glenn. 825-9572 Flute and beginning sheet music. Tamara. 822-4021 Good beginning sewing machine and maybe some lessons. Tamara. 822-4021 Help with intonation and fixing pickup on my acoustic guitar. Brenna. 825-6906 Humans of all ages wanted to create, support, and dream with Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. 442-1533 or I am interested in starting a weekly drum and percussion circle, or joining an existing one. Ginger. 444-8429 Inexpensive piano bench. Mitch. 677-0762 Magician, roving, for grown up party. Erin. 845-4033 Paints of all kinds. Brenna. 825-6906 Piano. Glenn. 825-9572 Piano teacher for adult novice, Arcata or north. Mitch. 677-0762 Sewing machine. Must include instructions. Kaitlin. 476-8502 Shoulder rest for violin. Ahma. 822-5037 Silk screening materials and class or training. Carole. 442-1533 Someone with lots of patience to teach me guitar. Nezzie. 445-5883 Soulful sonic cosmonauts for free-form sound healing journeys. Glenn. 825-9572 Stereo system with CD player that works and speakers. Squiggy. 825-1084 Studio recording for solo acoustic act. Jared. 442-5109 Violin teacher for 3 year old boy. Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 Wool yarn (hand spun?!) or wool for spinning. Ahma. 822-5037 TradeWriters and readers with whom to share work for critiques and support. Tony. 668-1820
Odds and EndsOfferedCan provide tutoring in English, Social Science, and more. Nezzie. 445-5883. Consultation and support for using Small Claims Court. I brought my landlord to court, and won. Paul. 443-4483 Democracy and corporate rule resources and education. Some are FREE. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Forest Defense Hotline. For action updates and non-violent training. 825-6598 Lending library full of books on all aspects of social change. Only $10/year to check out as many books as you want. (Will take 1/2 community currency for the subscription fee.) Library is free to Democracy Unlimited members. Come see: 1402 M Street, Eureka. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Very large flagpole. Greta. 825-6775 WantedDialogue on current events. SCBR Thrusday morning Breakfast Club. Andy 822-0843 Haul an old/moldy mattress to dump. Cassandra. 445-3243 Hemp enthusiasts to work on projects. Tamara. 822-4021 Hemp goods (free or for small fee) for HSU Hemp Club fundraising. Tamara. 822-4021 Donate your social change books to our lending library. Let others benefit from the wisdom in your old (or new) books. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Outreach help in So. and Mid. Hum. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Pez dispensers. Eeyore and Luke Skywalker. Cassandra. 445-3243 Someone with crane or other contraption to move large shed (approx. 9 x 12) to neighbor’s home, a few doors down. Sara. 825-0822 There were a couple people who left messages about hair cuts and women’s clothes that I accidentally erased. If this was you, please call again. Squiggy. 825-1084 Used RPG books, especially EXALTED. Tony. 668-1820 Volunteers. All kinds of tasks and projects for different experience levels and interests. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 TradeGCN, SNES, NES, GB games. Tony. 668-1820 Used Anime DVD. Tony. 668-1820 Used Manga or Crossgen Comics. Tony. 668-1820
Office and Organization Services and SuppliesOfferedBasic bookkeeping with Quick Books. Business or organization/non-profit. Kaitlin. 476-8502 Basic tutoring on PC, Internet and file sharing. Mike. 443-3944 Can help with office work and some computer work. Nezzie. 445-5883 Computer consulting. I can make you computer literate. Melanie. 826-9539 Computer tutoring. Word, Excel, PowerPoint… ask me, see if I know it. Craig. 822-9631 Consultation on becoming an effective community organizer. 27 years of experience in many issue areas. Paul. 443-4483 Data entry. Mike. 443-3944 Database development, custom programming. 20+ years experience. Mitch. 677-0762. Dreamcatcher Graphic Design. Inexpensive designs for ads, flyers, brochures, and business cards, plus custom photography. Unique and creative designs tailored for your message. Anna. 616-6868 Dreamweaver lessons. Create your own website. Melanie. 826-9539 Ecommerce websites. Accept credit cards, sell to the whole world. Mitch. 677-0762 Event Promotion. Flyer design, production, and posting. Anna 616-6868 Facilitator for meetings, etc. Experienced. Kaitlin. 476-8502 Graphic design. Greeting cards, letterhead, business cards. Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 Group Facilitation. Paul. 443-4483 I am a good editor/writer. Need help? Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 I can design business forms you need. Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 Install
Open Office on your business’s or organization’s computer,
instead of buying Micro$oft Office. Mitch. 677-0762 Lexis-Nexis web law research access. Yvonne. 443-3944 Meeting/workshop space in Eureka. Kaitlin. 476-8502 Nokia 3360 cell phone 1 year old, with new battery. Linda. 822-6425 Non-competitive group games/skill building. Andy. 822-0843 Organize your files, help you set up a filing system. Yvonne. 443-3944 PC repair and upgrading. Mike 443-3944 Photoshop for beginners. Melanie. 826-9539 Proofreading (articles, flyers, booklets). Paul. 443-4483 Switch your business’s or organization’s computers to Linux. Free yourself from Micro$oft. Mitch. 677-0762 Web development and hosting for individuals and non-profits. Mitch. 677-0762 Website marketing. Get more visitors to your website. Melanie. 826-9539 Website creation. Get your business online. Melanie. 826-9539 Will build low cost PCs (custom builds). Mike. 443-3944 Will prepare applications to bureaucracies for you. Lia. 822-3414 or 407-6252 Word processing made easy. Melanie. 826-9539 WantedBusiness cards, for inexpensive price or trade. David. 616-3641 Computer Monitor (working only). Cassandra. 445-3243 Donated office supplies. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Fundraising event coordinator. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Grant writers. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Interns. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984 Law reference materials and “Baby Bar” study guides. Yvonne. 443-3944 Mac tutoring for computer dummy. David. 476-8502 Office assistance for children’s theatre. Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. 442-1533 or Volunteers to be on committees and advisory council for local community children’s theatre. Vagabond Players Children’s Theatre. 442-1533 or Will take older PCs off your hands. Mike. 443-3944 Writers. Democracy Unlimited. 269-0984
Transportation and RecreationOfferedAuto detail and minor repair. Bill. 441-6720 Can provide rides between Eureka, Arcata, or CR etc. Nezzie. 445-5883 EUREKA one person backpack tent, excellent condition. Linda. 822-6425 Have some yard games to share. Croquet, baseball, toss game. Nezzie. 445-5883 Internal frame backpack, large capacity, medium size frame. Linda. 822-6425 Mountain bike Shimano brakes and gears, needs derailer. FREE. Take it away! Spike. 445-5853 Jansport large day pack, with waist belt. Linda. 822-6425 Thermarest backpack pads (2), ultra lite and ultra comfort. Linda. 822-6425 WantedA bicycle. Squiggy. 825-1084 Bicycle tune-up. David. 476-8502 (Bio)Diesel Mechanics for grass-roots non-profit collective: SCBR. Andy 822-0843 Horse riding lessons. Ahma. 822-5037 Info about converting gas car into electric. Tamara. 822-4021 Kayaking partner. Flat water (no whitewater or ocean). Jene. 840-9401 Ocean-worthy long board (or sail boat). Piedmont. 445-5853 Skilled mechanic for 1989 Volkswagon Jetta. Please help us! David or Kaitlin. 476-8502 Volleyball game in Eureka. Kaitlin. 476-8502 TradeNew to area, looking for local day hikers. Tony. 668-1820
PersonalsHot and kooky organizer with fetish for freaks seeks roving sailor fond of ballads, post-apocalyptic adventures, and wild n' kinky candy making. Send inquiries to PO Box 4733 Arcata, CA 95518. |
PO Box 858 | Eureka CA 95502 | (707) 269-0984 | |
The Humboldt Exchange Community Currency Project is a project of
Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County (DUHC)